Who We Are

For over 100 years, this small summer church has been a place of worship for us. Generations have held it fondly, perhaps even more dearly than our regular, winter churches. Here the present links to the past, and we are community of people connected to one another through memories and dreams of warmth and sunshine, cool lake, lazy days, and the smell of the hot pines. Wherever we live and work, we have returned here as adults, to the places of our childhood, the place of our parents, and our grandparents. Here we have found renewal and refreshment. Some have retired here. Some have moved here to work. For this summer church has been a special place where we understood more fully the meaning of community. Vacation has not meant a holiday from worship, rather it has given our worship a particularly joyful context where the present and the past help to anchor us to more firmly in God's abiding love.